Gratitude, freedom? I’d like to keep steady - two steps forward, one step back, but there is no set pace, there is life. And Sharks , they thought me to be prey, it has to be the way I floated…My eyes lowered mislead them. I have capacity for metamorphosis and drama is my second language, which I am learning. But what’s the reason they are here? It stands alone in corners of their unconscious. When they come out of water you see these reasons in their postures, movements, they speak so silently with their body language that I loose my focus, but why do I keep watching them, they’re watching me too, staring right in my eyes. My drama teacher taught me when you are moulding a part to know who you are and where. Intuition is a flashlight you should use only for invisibility in places like your soul, your being, your mind, and heart has to stay open. Identify exactly what you are equipped to do and whether you are performing your task with all your strength and effort. A sense of accomplishment - wild birds that burst out the cage door, definitely not a momentum you can take a good grip on. To stay pragmatic, having full control of situations, predicting, assuming, identifying, trying, trying and more trying and when it works, - “well, what’s next?” Ah and don’t forget to keep the mirror reversed, keep yourself sane when your heart is open and you are learning how to feel things properly, because it’s a gift. My personal biggest gift to life. Or a gift from life. Trying to stir this intangible complex all encompassing machine is the toughest task I have ever set myself to do, so I wear my sword at my side…
a warrior of light - always at the ready with a sword at your side - but remember once you unsheathe it, blood must be drawn, as that is the intended purpose of a sword. It serves as a warning while on your person - but once drawn it must be put to use. You're not crazy - as they try to gaslight all women as "crazy". Emotion, introspect, rebelliousness - all are symptoms. Think of a Mustang in captivity, it bucks like "crazy" until it's masters subdue domesticate the power of the beauty. And all the while it dreams of open spaces, free running, and living off the land. And so are you my dear, an undomesticated mustang - you fight the system - and each time it brings you to a climax, no not the tantric kind, the kind of climax of your soul, where dropping water overfills the cup and spills away. Each time, not knowing your direction, you put your "crazy" to a keyboard and type away - releasing that frustration for a moment. And so the cup is emptied at the top from over spilling and you go on while they domesticate you. Such is this world, it's meant to dull the sharpest tool against the granite of existence. And yet, like roman marble statues, the sharpest tools becoming dull, are what creates the goddesses and gods we all admire. Go on, keep filling the cup and over spilling, the process molding you and life together being one and same. Don't fear the faith of mustangs, because they all run free, like huskies who need open spaces. And so will you run free, but now life needs you, to mold it for the others. The one's who cannot taste the sweet pollen of a summer breeze - the one's who've never seen beyond the wall of their construction. You must go on, and write, and write, and write. Create the path that others will so blindly follow and be happy. Life needs its pioneers and you are it!